Coming Soon
Simplifying Shopping’s
Simplifying Lives
An App That: Shops Smarter, Skip Lines, Simplify Lives

About us
Checkoutify is revolutionizing retail with our innovative mobile app. We turn your smartphone into a personal checkout counter, allowing you to scan items, pay, and leave stores without waiting in line. Our mission is to make in-store shopping as seamless as online purchases, benefiting both customers and retailers. We're not just improving shopping experiences; we're shaping the future of retail. Join us in this exciting journey.
Shop Smarter, Skip the Lines, Save Lives
How it works

Choose your store
Select the store you recently visited, search for a nearby store, or scan the QRcode of the store you're currently in.
Scan products and fill your cart
Pick up products from the shelf, scan them using the Checkoutify app, and fill your virtual cart.
Hit checkout, make your payment, and show your e-bill to security as you leave
Make a payment and go

Do your shoppings in just 3 steps with checkoutify !

Why Checkoutify ?
Checkoutify improves shopping experience, and makes life easier, both for customers and vendors
For Vendors
For Customers
No waiting in Billing Lines
No time wasted
No contacting staff
Good shopping experience
Get what you came for, no abandoning filled baskets
A single app for thousands of stores
Good Customer Experience
No LOST sales
No Angry customers
No lines at cash counter
Faster billings, more customers served
More Profits and Sales
Become Insider
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Top rated by 100+ shoppers

What You'll Get By Becoming An Insider
Access to Additional Benefits and Discounts when we launch our App
Early access of the Convenience we are offering
No Convenience Fee for the Early Access (Absolutely Free To Use)*
Priority Access to Customer Support
Priority Feedback Provider Access
Just give your feedback over the App Idea and Prototype Model. Become a Feedback Provider by Filling the form and answering few of our questions and providing feedback by taking your 2 mins out.
What you have to do
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